Cheikhbaby Baby 1 hr · Nouakchott, Mauritania · la vie d un petit esclaves Je me fais fouetter Je pleure et crie Moi je suis enchaîné Maltraité pour toujours Pendant que d’autres Sont heureux dans leur maison Reçoivent beaucoup de cadeaux Pendant que je reçois des coups de fouet Je survivrai ou bien mourrai J’ai […]
Initiative pour la résurgence du mouvement Abolitionniste
IRA decouvre un cas d’esclavage à Nouadhibou …
et l’accusé reconnait les faits, Mais… !
Lundi,18/08/2014, Mr Mohamed ould Bilal est entré en contact avec IRA(Coordination de Nouadhibou) pour l’aider à récupérer son épouse Fatma Mint Mohamed Ould Lekweiri retenu en esclavage par […]
We have received several reports of Chekh Ould Vall’s dire medical condition. Hamady LEHBOUSS, the Conseiller du président de IRA-Mauritanie, wrote directly to IRA-USA with the report. According to Hamady as of August 15th 2014, “Cheikk Ould Vall, l’un des trois militants de IRA qui croupissent en prison à Nouakchott , est très malade..selon nos […]
From August 4- August 6 the United States welcomes leaders from many African countries to Washington D.C. for a three day summit in hopes of strengthening the ties between the United States and one of the world’s most diverse and fastest growing regions. One of the leaders invited is the president of Mauritania, Mohamed Ould […]
By Mary David, Huffington Post, Human trafficking expert, motivational speaker, and writer
Although he was born free, Biram Dah Abeid and his family know well the pain of slavery. Dah Abeid and his family are from the West African country of Mauritania. His father married a slave woman and they had two children, but […]
IRA – Mauritanie has reported the enslavement of a mother with five young children. The woman, whose name is Kemmacha, lives in Ould Ramy, which is administered from Wembou (75 kilometers north of Seulibaby in the south-east of the Mauritania).
As the government has only once prosecuted a slave owner, IRA video taped an interview […]