Kdeîd O Ely in Nava Savra is demanding that his wife and five children be released from slavery. Fatimettou Mint M’Bareck and her five children (Cheikh, Sid’Amar, El Housseîn, Zave et Mamty) have been held captive by Cheîkh O Hanga, described as a wealthy businessman. For the past year Elfoutiyou – Kdeîd O Ely has been trying to free his family. Nava Savra is 80 kilometers from Timbedra, a department in the Hodh El Chargui region.
Kdeîd O Ely has lodged unsuccessful complaints in Néma, in Timbedra, in Amourj and in Nouakchott.
Finally, a judge in Timbedra summoned Cheîkh O Hanga, and Kdeîd O Ely demanded formally that his wife and children be freed. However the alleged slave-master categorically denied the request. The judge, faced with Cheîkh O Hanga’s refusal, asked that Kdeîd O Ely submit to Cheîkh O Hanga’s will, and continue to allow his wife and children live in slavery.
This reporting is preliminary. The judge has thus far not made a public comment on this case.
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