IRA Wins Tulip Human Rights Prize

We are extremely proud to announce that IRA – Mauritanie, our partner organization in the struggle against slavery, racism and gender oppression, won the Human Rights Tulip from the Dutch government.

The President of IRA, Biram Dah Abeid, is still in prison for his anti-slavery work, so Abidine Merzough accepted the award in his place. Members of IRA – Mauritanie work tirelessly against slavery and racism. Biram and Brahim have been in prison since November 11, 2014. During their imprisonment an Executive Committee has formed to run IRA – Mauritanie. IRA USA salutes their heroism, their bravery, and their dedication.10501743_1663132087263693_8229544272305221835_n11138105_898236633558437_9066790189277079850_n 12049312_898236303558470_1638650935365525598_n 12219558_119765111719041_1558869085058929688_n 12248802_10205580248202469_816988087_n

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